Production Update – Detailing & QA

The most recent update shows that your boat is progressing well in the Detailing & QA stage.

Recently, the boat has been fitted with several essential components, bringing it closer to completion. These include solar panels, deck gear, a trampoline, complete interior flooring, plumbing, air conditioning, all fixed windows, a water maker, and forward bunk headliners.

We are currently focusing on completing the electrical work (50% finished), as well as the helm stations and companionway steps.

Production Update – Fit out

Since the last update, your boat is now in the Fit-out stage where we have started to work on the critical parts and the preparations before the boat goes to the QA & Detailing stage.

Recently, we have some significant parts done including pulpits, thru-hulls, rudders installation, mast base, windlass, galley bench top, companionway flooring.

We’re now working on forward beam installation, deck gear (50%), air conditioning, plumbing (30% done), steering, and electrical works.

Production Update – Assembly

Your boat has already entered the new stage after lamination – assembly.

At this ASSY-1 stage, the targa bar, roof and stanchions have been installed.

Currently, we’re doing final preparation for deck joining and painting the blacks.